terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2015

12th PURCHASE - TOWARDS R$ 10 000,00

Macroeconomic analysis

This month was characterized by wide variation in the Brazilian stock market. The uncertainties resulting from the political environment continue to haunt the price of the assets of the leading companies in the country, especially those classified as blue chips that still sinking in historical minimum.

Moreover, the recent departure of news finance minister Joaquim Levy, famously regarded as an orthodox economic policy of the government, represented the arrival of rock bottom of confidence indices in the prestige of fiscal adjustment. Its output is increasingly a darker return to inflation and demagogic policy implemented by the so-worked especially in the government of Dilma Rousseff.

Month investments

This month is continued in order to take advantage of the decreasing value of the assets of the largest companies with the focus to gain market value in the resumption of infrastructure sector growth. The expectation for the next five years is mainly demand pressure to return to China commodities and consequently a more rational policy of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in the sense of control of their production demand to price the international market product. A redirection of the market in these two fronts will certainly be beneficial both Petrobras and Vale.

Investment performance

Consistent with the fall of most assets, investments were characterized by losses in the month and early losses with the respective values ​​of -6.66 and -13.67% long while the Ibovespa in the month marked loss of -1.63%. The performance of the portfolio below the average of the exchange's shares indicates the need for Moved profile of my actions for the coming months. Income from dividends in the month were disappointing and only totaled the amount of R $ 0.16.

As can be seen total investments exceeded the barrier of R $ 4.0000 and the total losses of assets add up to just over 10%. Considering the current context of crisis and uncertainties that value can even be considered subtle. Looking at the individual results with both SBSP3 EMBR3 estam positive gains higher than 15% while ALPA4, and BBSE3 VALE5 suffer approximate loss of respectively 30, 30 and 40%.

The chart below of the idea of ​​the percentage loss and weight of each asset in the overall composition of the portfolio. This information is important for decision-making either for the balance of the portfolio as the purchase or sale of the asset.

The overall portfolio growth despite the total amounts less than the initial investment keeps increasing with time. This will remain the logic behind the partrimônio growth: regular contributions and concrete choice of the asset.

Hugs to all friends and good investment!
"Your earnings grow to the same extent that you grow!" - The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker


domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015

11th PURCHASE - TOWARDS R$ 10 000,00

Comparative Analysis

The scrutiny of the various investment assets available is essential both for making decisions as to the long-term pricing calculation.  Good choices are made careful analysis and calculations for the purpose of long term pricing. The search for new investments whose portfolio growth objective requires a full understanding of the risk factors involved. Although the country currently finds against the development and property gain, long-term prospects should always be the best.

In this context, the ability to analyze the nuances of each asset is essential for the adoption of balanced choices, given that the market currently is located in doubt about the government's direction.

This month I kept the focus on finding investment increase in actions most likely to robust growth in the long run. Thus, the main objective is to leverage growth in the very short term with investments in loan portfolios and low current pricing. Risk assets increased choices were: increased exposure PETR3, ITUB4 and SBSP3. Two of these assets has conservative profile (ITUB4 and SBSP3), while PETR3 is an asset in constant volatility and should be monitored carefully.

Investment's month

To better understand my choices the best way is to show graphically: the investment accumulated (ITUB4) is almost thirty percent return on investment in the long run (despite the price fall around fifteen percent), while SBSP3 is one of actions with higher return probability in the long term.

I'm very close to reaching fifty percent of my goal in less than a year of solid investment and without much effort. This indicates great chances for new investments in short-term other financial modal.

On the other hand PETR3 is basically in the historical minimum which may indicate a latent growth potential in the long run incredible with the expectation of economic adjustment 2015-2016.

As can be seen throughout this month there was a big recovery much of my stock portfolio. This phenomenon was mainly caused by the recovery and expressive cresciemento of actions (EVEN3) that have done well, added to this there was a reduction in losses (ALPA4 / ITUB4) which contributes to the overall recovery of the investment portfolio.

The graph below Describes the consistent growth of my stock portfolio from the previous month and continued growth in relation to the investment history. Results like this against a backdrop of political and economic uncertainty are indicative of robust growth and pricing in the long run.

With this data, behold, the question arises: is there anything that can stop someone who has a consistent goal and a fixed idea in your mind? I think that this is impossible.

The dividends coming from companies in the banking and financial market infrastructure companies in the industry are growing continuously. The trend of increase in the percentage of assets that profile in relation to my portfolio is growing within the expectation of economic uncertainty the focus of investments in dividend stocks is a defensive strategy in the medium term.

The analysis continues monitoring the behavior of actions, both the assets that most impact the sum of the portfolio is based on the nominal value performance index of the portfolio invested in added costs. This analysis includes the monitoring of four key values that represetam: 1) nominal sum of the amount invested 2) current value 3) Total amount invested (including costs) and 4) Total invested more inflationary costs.

Hugs to all friends and good investment!
"Your earnings grow to the same extent that you grow!" - The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker


quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2015

10th PURCHASE - TOWARDS R$ 10 000,00


The past month was full of negative notices about the movements of brazillian government. There are two things that are tipical of brazilian politics , one this thing is treat the public opinion in a irrelevant manner the second is the contempt for the money and public finances

While a great number of workers are achieved for the  worst rates growth  in the last decades the political class continues with the same fixed idea in your minds: growth of tributation of brazillian tributation chain. This system is deeply corrosive. The Brazilian population: the middle class, small and large companies can not bear to sustain public gigantic machine that brought the country that consumes resources, it absorbs opportunities and generates astronomical wealth and poderios the hand of regressive political.

Moreover all these regressive political choices proved over the last few years a continuous obstacle to balance the public accounts, by opting for the easy way out fostering credit to the detriment of investment in basic industry party has shown unequivocally are technical inability to high-level decisions.

The sentiment of most brazilians is the desire to structural changes, that end up with major infrastructure bottlenecks and bureaucracy that both hinder the country's development in a continuous and sustainable manner. The option remains the acting government of favoring the "king's friends" through the most distorted  advantage possible: trust positions, high salaries, personal benefits are not parameters even in the most "dirty" court of the medieval kingdoms.

Investment’s month

The strategy is to continue increasing my risk of exposure in two fronts: growth dividends exposure and risk investment portfolio. This had the objective to win development in long term.


This month I prioritize investments in historical good stocks with dividend payments and raised the percentage of them in my overall portfolio. Thus, I become less subject to the variability of the capital market, different decisions currently adopted in a challenging context such as this do not usually bring good results.

After approximately one month the amount invested stagnant growth was higher losses due to the negative scene. Such information is investment maturity hint and good long-term prospects

From the gains by means of dividend that month was the best of all historic cycle, which is an amazing result is indicative of the correct strategic choice.

Hugs to all friends and good investment!
"Your earnings grow to the same extent that you grow!" - The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker


sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2015

9th PURCHASE - TOWARDS R$ 10,000.00


Analyzing the most important events in Brazilian economic in this month, we can observe a profound pessimist due a sum of many factors. In first plan, the downfall price commodities. In second, the corrosion of politician environment. All these factors simultaneously are confirmed with the statistics current of main organism government evaluation.  As might be expected, after the cutting of Brazil rating, Standard & Poor's announced on Thursday afternoon (10) the rating cut for several national companies. Among these companies are the main Bovespa index Petrobras and Ambev.

Furthermore, there are too a psychological factor, triggered by a large numbers of negative notices, that affect the daily of general people, companies and other liberal institutions. The insistence of Brazilian government in to focus on growth credit to elevate consume, relegating in the background the necessary investments in infrastructure, reforms and cutting red tape has been proved devastating.

Solve all this problems require a great effort of liberal institutions. For long time, the economic Brazil development was based on continuous commodities price growth, due, among other things, the voracious appetite of the Chinese giant. In this context, the national politic exportation do not gave priority the amplification of portfolio Brazilian exportation which can be considerate an extreme evaluation error.
In this sense, to reduce the weight of state machine and your presence in population daily require a great effort in toward of a better management of public resources.


In this month, taking advantage of lower historical prices of most actions, I gave more emphasis for investments in the banking sector and construction. The price reduction and the markets during these two years, is the sign of a "pent-up demand" that certainly put pressure on asset prices in a long term analysis

September investments:      R$   126,80
Total  Investments:             R$ 3263,37

Purchase’s Month

As we can see four active focus of my portfolio the main losses of the portfolio. A long-term view in all these indicate high growth potential

With regard to dividends received during the month of analysis, we can see that this was the second best month in the historical series. Of total investments (R $ 135.60), about R $ 15.60 (11.50%) were reinvested dividends porfolio. In other words, my dear friends, there lies the great magic of the stock market, the investments themselves entering what we might call a motoperpétuo the investor over time will leaving need of capital have that investments work for you .

Hugs to all friends and good investment!
"Your earnings grow to the same extent that you grow!" - The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker


sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

8º COMPRA - RUMO AOS R$ 10 000,00

Cenário macroeconômico:

O dólar foi o melhor investimento do mês, com alta de 10%, seguido pelo tesouro pré-fixado com vencimento para 2018 com alta de 1,78%. Na contramão desses resultados o índice médio do IBOVESPA foi o pior investimento com queda média de 4,17%. 

Para quem busca segurança nesse mar de turbulência, títulos atrelados às taxas inflacionárias se apresentam como os investimentos mais seguros, por outro lado, quem gosta de correr riscos esse pode ser um ótimo momento para investir em ações. Os preços das ações das principais empresas do país estão na mínima histórica e para quem gosta de pechincha e altas possibilidades de lucro no longo prazo este é o momento ideal.

Investimentos do mês: 

Invest. Junho:   R$     160,25
Invest. total:      R$   3127,23

Var. Mês:       -7,30%                                                                                        
Var. Inic:        -9,66%

Compra do mês:

Composição da carteira:

Como se observa as principais perdas da carteira se concentrou nos ativos com maiores pesos respectivos dentro do meu portfólio o que indica uma tática altamente agressiva cujo objetivo é precificação  aliada a uma visão de conjuntura econômica fundamentalmente no longo prazo.

Os comparativos das taxas de rendimento com os índices IBOV mostram que o desempenho da carteira está aquém do rendimento médio das ações do índice o que pode indicar uma possível necessidade de mudança no perfil das minhas ações.

Abraços a todos os amigos e bons investimentos!
"Os seus rendimentos crescem na mesma medida em que você cresce! " -  The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker

domingo, 5 de julho de 2015

7º COMPRA - RUMO AOS R$ 10 000,00

Cenário macroeconômico:

O cenário tanto externo quanto interno continua bastante desalentador: A crise grega continua preocupante para a estabilidade econômica do mercado mundial, a demanda chinesa continua fraca (nada dos exuberantes 10% de outrora). O apetite do gigante asiático pelas commodities brasileiras se reduziu bastante, o que tem afetado principalmente as ações da vale. No contexto interno, continuam as incertezas da operação lava jato, que tem levado pelo ralo a reputação das principais empresas de infraestrutura do país, aliado ao horizonte político nebuloso que tem caracterizado o ambiente político do Brasil nos últimos anos.

Investimentos do mês:

Invest. Junho:   R$     106,24
Invest. total:      R$   2958,78

Var. Mês:        -1,39%                                                                                         
Var. Inic:         -2,55%

Compra do mês:

Composição da Carteira:

Abraços a todos os amigos e bons investimentos!

"Os seus rendimentos crescem na mesma medida em que você cresce! " -  The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker