domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015

11th PURCHASE - TOWARDS R$ 10 000,00

Comparative Analysis

The scrutiny of the various investment assets available is essential both for making decisions as to the long-term pricing calculation.  Good choices are made careful analysis and calculations for the purpose of long term pricing. The search for new investments whose portfolio growth objective requires a full understanding of the risk factors involved. Although the country currently finds against the development and property gain, long-term prospects should always be the best.

In this context, the ability to analyze the nuances of each asset is essential for the adoption of balanced choices, given that the market currently is located in doubt about the government's direction.

This month I kept the focus on finding investment increase in actions most likely to robust growth in the long run. Thus, the main objective is to leverage growth in the very short term with investments in loan portfolios and low current pricing. Risk assets increased choices were: increased exposure PETR3, ITUB4 and SBSP3. Two of these assets has conservative profile (ITUB4 and SBSP3), while PETR3 is an asset in constant volatility and should be monitored carefully.

Investment's month

To better understand my choices the best way is to show graphically: the investment accumulated (ITUB4) is almost thirty percent return on investment in the long run (despite the price fall around fifteen percent), while SBSP3 is one of actions with higher return probability in the long term.

I'm very close to reaching fifty percent of my goal in less than a year of solid investment and without much effort. This indicates great chances for new investments in short-term other financial modal.

On the other hand PETR3 is basically in the historical minimum which may indicate a latent growth potential in the long run incredible with the expectation of economic adjustment 2015-2016.

As can be seen throughout this month there was a big recovery much of my stock portfolio. This phenomenon was mainly caused by the recovery and expressive cresciemento of actions (EVEN3) that have done well, added to this there was a reduction in losses (ALPA4 / ITUB4) which contributes to the overall recovery of the investment portfolio.

The graph below Describes the consistent growth of my stock portfolio from the previous month and continued growth in relation to the investment history. Results like this against a backdrop of political and economic uncertainty are indicative of robust growth and pricing in the long run.

With this data, behold, the question arises: is there anything that can stop someone who has a consistent goal and a fixed idea in your mind? I think that this is impossible.

The dividends coming from companies in the banking and financial market infrastructure companies in the industry are growing continuously. The trend of increase in the percentage of assets that profile in relation to my portfolio is growing within the expectation of economic uncertainty the focus of investments in dividend stocks is a defensive strategy in the medium term.

The analysis continues monitoring the behavior of actions, both the assets that most impact the sum of the portfolio is based on the nominal value performance index of the portfolio invested in added costs. This analysis includes the monitoring of four key values that represetam: 1) nominal sum of the amount invested 2) current value 3) Total amount invested (including costs) and 4) Total invested more inflationary costs.

Hugs to all friends and good investment!
"Your earnings grow to the same extent that you grow!" - The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker


6 comentários:

  1. Hi my friend, I like the way that you invest your money, but if you are looking for dividends, why not invest on FII? Keep moving foward that's how winning is done!!!

  2. Hello,

    The fact is that although I am considering investments in dividends because security in this current recessionary environment I do not want to lose opportunities to enjoy some bargains. #WalkOnBy

  3. Continuo não entendo muita coisa no Post, já que não sou nada bom no Inglês.

    Mas posso dizer que as compras deste mês foram boas, menos Petr3 que foge totalmente dos meus critérios de compra.

    Mas como bem você disse, a ideia é aproveitar a volatilidade das cotações.

    Um Abraço!

  4. My analysis is based on the long-term. PETR3 is an action that is strongly below its historical average, despite the cyclical setbacks that the company suffered in the administration of the current government over the last few years. There is a strong uptrend with the demand growth expectations for commodities and expected recovery in the price of oil on world markets.

    But this is a very particular analysis and even quite far from the thinking of most holders of the capital market.

  5. Dear IF,

    first of all, sorry for my mistakes but I'll try to practice my poor english.

    Some people say that Petrobras will get worse before get better. Empiricus advised their readers to avoid PETR because the only way to high debts is a capitalization through new shares. And we know what it means.

    Anyway, I wish you sucess in your strategy.

  6. Dear IM;

    I think that the issue of governance in PETR3 is an issue to be resolved in the medium and long term. The indebtedness of the Company was basically influenced by the exchange rate, as long it back to normal the company to walk back on track. It is worth remembering the strategic positioning of the company to a broadly favorable leverage results especially with oil prices return to historical averages. But this is obviously an optimistic analysis.

